Training Available through HealthyCultureNow
HealthyCultureNow provides self-paced online trainings that include videos, podcast episodes, book chapter reprints and assessments. Training is accessible via web browser and the Kajabi app.
Contact us to discuss your organization and current goals. We will help you to select the best combination of culture-based training for you.
Additional Trainings for Strengthening
Your Culture of Well-being
103 Manager-Led Actions for a Well Workplace
Cultivating social capital and a good work atmosphere requires your creativity and attention. This training offers 103 field-tested management practices that foster a healthier, more cohesive, and more productive work environment. Unlike proscriptive training on leadership, this is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, you choose those activities that are best suited for your unique culture. Challenge yourself and your team to take a chance on something that stretches your current norms.
This training is delivered in 103 bite-sized podcast episodes. Each is delivered daily to your inbox. Episodes explain valuable well-being management techniques.
The training is based on the book 103 Challenges for Manager-Led Wellness by Judd Allen, Ph.D. and Tad Mitchell.
How to Help a Co-worker, Friend or Family Member Achieve a Well-being Goal
Coworkers, family and friends are in a great position to assist each other with well-being goals. This training focuses on eight skills for effective peer support. The training format includes videos, testimonials, podcast episodes, readings and assessments. The training is organized into eight weekly lessons, including templates for peer support discussions, with a recommended commitment of one hour per week. The skill-based units:
- Establishing Confidentiality, Building Trust and Fostering Openness
- Defining Peer Support: What It Is and What It Is Not
- Determining Short and Long-term Change Goals
- Identifying the Best Role Models
- Addressing Barriers to Change
- Locating Supportive Environments
- Working through Setbacks
- Tracking and Celebrating Success
Training assessments track progress in supporting a peer to achieve his or her goals.
This training is based on the book Healthy Habits, Helpful Friends by Judd Allen, PhD.
How to Create a Great Social Climate at Work
Social climate is also known as engagement, morale and teamwork. Three climate factors ─ a sense of community, a shared vision, and a positive outlook ─ contribute to both individual well-being and to important organizational indicators such as customer service, innovation, employee engagement, and teamwork. Where they are noticeably absent and people don’t get along, well-being suffers and productivity slows. This training defines each social climate element and recommends strategies for improving the work atmosphere. Weekly training assessments examine actions to improve your workgroup’s social climate, as well as help to develop a plan for doing so.
The 4-week training is delivered in a presentation video (41 minutes total), video testimonials (10 minutes total) and brief audio podcast episodes (27 minutes total). We recommend a commitment of one hour per week.
The concepts featured in this training are based on over thirty years of research and work by Robert Allen, PhD and Judd Allen, PhD.
How to Align Workplace Policies and Practices (aka Cultural Touch Points) with Well-being
This training is for executives, managers and members of wellness committees/task forces seeking to bring about sustained culture change within their organizations. Many formal and informal policies and practices, also known as "cultural touch points," influence well-being values and behavior. Rewards, training and communication are some of the most obvious cultural touch points. This training introduces 14 primary cultural touch points and recommends strategies for aligning them with well-being. The training begins with a 30 minute video presentation delivered by Richard Safeer, MD, Gillian Pieper, MS and Judd Allen, PhD. A second video features testimonials by executives and managers about cultural touch points. Fourteen brief podcast episodes highlighting touch points are delivered through a weekly email. Each of the 14 training units includes a self-assessment useful for planning and evaluating efforts to work with touch points.
26 Great Workplace Strategies for Supporting Personal Purpose
We want our lives to matter. A sense of personal purpose is important to both individual health and to work performance. Our purposes include such endeavors as artistic expression, connecting to social groups, work, volunteering, religion and family. This training features 26 field-tested initiatives that have been used by organizations to support a sense of purpose. You can select those approaches to purpose that are well suited to your workgroup.
The training begins with a 15 minute video that reviews key ideas and the evidence for the importance of purpose to health and productivity. The presentation is delivered by Judd Allen, Ph.D., Richard Safeer, MD and Gillian Pieper, MS. The training also includes 26 podcast episodes, delivered one per day to your inbox. Each describes an opportunity to support purpose at work. The goal is to select a few actions that are a good fit for your workgroup. The final self-assessment evaluates your efforts to support purpose.
This training is based on the book, Leading for Purpose: How to Help Your People and Organization Benefit from the Pursuit of Purpose, by Judd Allen, Ph.D. and Donald B. Ardell, Ph.D.