Podcast Episodes for Executives, Managers and Well-being Champions

Leaders are gatekeepers. Executives, managers and well-being champions can make or break a well-being initiative. Five series explain how leaders can support a healthier and more productive workplace culture:

  • The Well-being Leadership series teaches seven strategies for supporting well-being programs.
  • An episode about the special role of senior management support.
  • The Aligning Cultural Touch Point series examines how to align twelve informal and formal policies and practices with well-being.
  • The Social Climate series highlights strategies for strengthening the sense of community, shared vision and positive outlook.
  • The Manager-Led Actions series features 103 manager challenges for enhancing the psychological and social well-being of their workgroups.
  • The Strategies for Supporting Personal Purpose series features 26 unique  workplace initiatives for supporting a sense of personal purpose.

Core Course: Managers and Wellness Committee Members

HealthyCultureNow leadership training empowers managers and wellness committee members to:

  1. Share the well-being vision
  2. Serve as role models
  3. Align policies and practices with well-being
  4. Use well-being to improve morale
  5. Develop a plan for their workgroup
  6. Track and celebrate success

$95 per participant.

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The series were written by Judd Allen, Ph.D. and produced by Jake Hargrove. The music was composed and performed by Povel Popov. Episodes are narrated by: 

Richard Safeer, MD, FACLM, FAAFP, FACPM, Chief Medical Director, Employee Health and Well-being at Johns Hopkins Medicine

Ewa Stelmasiak, MS, MSc, Founder, The Wellness Institute

Judd Allen, Ph.D., President, Human Resources Institute, LLC

Glen Caswell

How to Create a Well-being Culture in Your Home

This training is for people who share their homes. It teaches seven skills for creating a supportive cultural environment at home:

  1. Discuss Personal Well-being Goals
  2. Tell a Household Well-being Story
  3. Create a Supportive Physical Environment
  4. Adopt Healthy Norms and Traditions
  5. Create a Well-being Learning Community
  6. Strengthen Household Relationships
  7. Foster a Healthy Social Atmosphere

The training utilizes video presentations (41 minutes total) with audio podcasts (35 minutes total). The training lasts 8 weeks. Participants should budget 45 minutes each week to complete the training.  Each training unit includes a self-assessment that consolidates practical steps associated with key concepts.

This training is based on the following books by Judd Allen, PhD: Bringing Wellness Home, Kitchen Table Talks for Wellness, and A Family Guide to Wellness.

$29.00 USD

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Well-being Leadership Series

Leadership is important to any successful organizational endeavor. This is especially true for a challenge as ambitious and complex as creating a culture of well-being. This series teaches executives, managers, and wellness champions how to support a culture of well-being. You will learn how to better understand and engage in six primary well-being leadership responsibilities.

The series is 22 minutes and is based on the book, Wellness Leadership by Judd Allen, Ph.D.

Play Episodes 

Episode 1: Overview
Episode 2: Modeling Well-being
Episode 3: Sharing Your Well-being Vision
Episode 4: Aligning Cultural Touch Points
Episode 5: Creating a Well-being Plan
Episode 6: Tracking and Celebrating Well-being
Episode 7: Fostering a Supportive Social Climate 

Executive Support for Well-being  

Executives have a lot of power when it comes to allocating resources, setting policies and communicating about organizational priorities. Senior managers have important roles in establishing a culture of well-being. In this episode, we explain how senior managers can:

  1. Share why they think a culture of well-being is important.
  2. Incorporate well-being into the strategic plan.
  3. Delegate responsibility and a budget for carrying the well-being program forward.
  4. Address institutional barriers to success.
  5. Establish accountability for achieving organizational well-being goals.  

The single episode for executives is laser focused on their unique role in driving a culture of well-being. We have a number of series that are recommended for executives seeking a deeper understanding of how to create a culture of well-being. Executives are likely to find the series on cultural touch points, purpose, and social climate of particular interest. These are described in the other series for leadership at all levels. 

Play Episode

Senior Leadership Support Well-being


Aligning Cultural Touch Point Series

This series is for executives, managers and members of wellness committees/task forces seeking to bring about sustained culture change within their organizations. Many formal and informal policies and practices, also known as "cultural touch points," influence well-being values and behavior. Rewards, training and communication are some of the most obvious cultural touch points. This series introduces 14 primary cultural touch points and recommends strategies for aligning them with well-being.  

Total listening time 55 minutes.

Play Episodes

Episode 1: Overview
Episode 2: Learning and Training
Episode 3: Role Modeling
Episode 4: Rewards and Recognition
Episode 5: Pushback
Episode 6: Traditions
Episode 7: Communication
Episode 8: Relationship Development
Episode 9: Resource Commitment
Episode 10: Build Environment
Episode 11: Onboarding
Episode 12: Story and Narrative
Episode 13: Roles and Responsibilities
Episode 14: Goal Setting and Planning
Episode 15: Laws and Policies

Social Climate Series

Social climate is also known as engagement, morale and teamwork. Three climate factors ─ a sense of community, a shared vision, and a positive outlook ─ contribute to both individual well-being and to important organizational indicators such as customer service, innovation, employee engagement, and teamwork. Where they are noticeably absent and people don’t get along, well-being suffers and productivity slows. This series defines each social climate element and recommends strategies for improving the work atmosphere. 

Total listening time: 27 minutes 

The concepts featured in this training are based on over thirty years of research and work by Robert Allen, PhD and Judd Allen, PhD.

Play Episodes 

Episode 1: Interview on Social Climate
Episode 2: Overview of Culture Dimension
Episode 3: Fostering a Sense of Community
Episode 4: Fostering a Shared Vision
Episode 5: Fostering a Positive Outlook

Strategies for Supporting Personal Purpose

We want our lives to matter. A sense of personal purpose is important to both individual health and to work performance. Our purposes include such endeavors as artistic expression, connecting to social groups, work, volunteering, religion and family. This series features field-tested initiatives that have been used by organizations to support a sense of purpose. You can select those approaches to purpose that are well suited to your workgroup.

Each episode describes an opportunity to support purpose at work. The goal is to select a few actions that are a good fit for your workgroup.

This series is based on the book, Leading for Purpose: How to Help Your People and Organization Benefit from the Pursuit of Purpose, by Judd Allen, Ph.D. and Donald B. Ardell, Ph.D.

Play Episodes

Episode 1: Purpose Series Overview
Episode 2: Provide Regular Feedback
Episode 3: Peer Recognition
Episode 4: Decision Making
Episode 5: Challenging Goals
Episode 6: Follow Through 
Episode 7: Fruits of Their Efforts
Episode 8: Legacy Building
Episode 9: Limiting Interruptions
Episode 10: Professional Development
Episode 11: Support Reflection and Centering
Episode 12: Make Sense of Disruptive Events
Episode 13: Engage Forgotten Stakeholders
Episode 14: Update Values
Episode 15: Offer a Story
Episode 16: Connect to Future Generations
Episode 17: Support Environment
Episode 18: Champion a Cause
Episode 19: Support well-being
Episode 20: Encourage Mutual-interest
Episode 21: Encourage Creative Expression
Episode 22: Develop Win-win Solutions
Episode 23: Maintain Economic Transparency
Episode 24: Compensate
Episode 25: Tailor Job to Individual Purpose
Episode 26: Recognize Non-financial Compensation
Episode 27: Promote Work-life Balance

Manager-Led Actions Series

Cultivating social capital and a good work atmosphere requires your creativity and attention. This series features 103 field-tested management practices that foster a healthier, more cohesive, and more productive work environment. Unlike a proscriptive series on leadership, this is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, you choose those activities that are best suited for your unique culture. Challenge yourself and your team to take a chance on something that stretches your current norms. 

This series is delivered in 103

Episode 1. Series Overview
Episode 2. Big Picture: Give some context
Episode 3. Big Question: Create a driving question
Episode 4. Change N Tell: Role model positive change
Episode 5. Dream Coach: Help people dream big
Episode 6. Good Intentions: Understand others’ purpose
Episode 7. Gut Check: Go with your gut 5 times
Episode 8. Job Hacker: Help others job craft
Episode 9. Look Forward: Help others create a 5-year plan
Episode 10. Moon Shot: Set a big, hairy, audacious goal
Episode 11. On Target: Set quarterly objectives
Episode 12. Peer Support: Set weekly goals together
Episode 13. Purpose Driven: Create a group mission statement
Episode 14. Road Map: Create an annual plan together
Episode 15. Shared Values: Define what you stand for
Episode 16.Team Spirit: Adopt a mascot
Episode 17. 3 Cheers: Launch a peer-recognition program
Episode 18. All Stars: Share what you like about each other
Episode 19. Brave Heart: Give constructive feedback
Episode 20. Clear Expectations: Put someone on a performance plan
Episode 21: Credit Due: Give credit to 5 others
Episode 22: Drill Down: Learn what 3 others do
Episode 23: Face Time: Opt for in-person
Episode 24: Fortune Teller: Help others see their potential
Episode 25: Get Trendy: Discuss industry trends
Episode 26: Listen Up: Ask for feedback
Episode 27: Major Award: Give an award
Episode 28: Marching Orders: Update your job descriptions
Episode 29: On Track: Hold daily stand-up meetings
Episode 30: Positive Buzz: Give positive feedback
Episode 31: Check In: Proactively reach out
Episode 32: Score Board: Maintain a group dashboard
Episode 33: Status Check: Publish 4 status reports
Episode 34: Town Hall: Hold an all-hands meeting
Episode 35: Be School: Review a case study
Episode 36: Book Club: Read a book together
Episode 37: Book Learning: Read a leadership book
Episode 38: Check List: Create a checklist
Episode 39: Class Mates: Take a class together
Episode 40: Corporate Assets: Write down your team's strengths
Episode 41: Cross Pollinate: Hold a knowledge exchange
Episode 42: Education Plan: Help people create an education plan
Episode 43: Great Expectations: Give 10 people something to live up to
Episode 44: Me Time: Meet with yourself
Episode 45: No Authority: Lead for a volunteer organization
Episode 46: Peer 2 Peer: Meet with an industry peer
Episode 47: Pre Mortem: Anticipate problems
Episode 48: Post Mortem: Figure out how to do better
Episode 49: Special Guest: Invite an expert to speak
Episode 50: Stop It: Retire an unnecessary process
Episode 51: Strength Finder: Take a strength assessment
Episode 52: Suggestion Box: Solicit improvement ideas
Episode 53: Supporting Pillar: Ask 5 people how you can better support them
Episode 54: Team Challenge: Run a department challenge
Episode 55: Watch N Learn: Watch a video and discuss
Episode 56: 1 on 1: Meet individually with your team
Episode 57: 30/60/90: Launch a new hire
Episode 58: Advisory Board: Seek advice from 5 people
Episode 59: Brain Storm: Hold a brainstorming session
Episode 60: Buddy System: Set up a peer-mentoring system
Episode 61: Customer Call: Talk to a customer
Episode 62: Design Review: Review a deliverable
Episode 63: First Impression: Solicit ideas from a new hire
Episode 64: Party Time: Form a fun committee
Episode 65: Shared Power: Create a committee
Episode 66: Stress Test: Ask how you stress people
Episode 67: Tongue Tied: Hold a meeting where you can't talk
Episode 68: Top Performer: Coach your best employee
Episode 69: You're It: Delegate 10 tasks
Episode 70: Art Gallery: Post family artwork
Episode 71: Be Real: Do something silly
Episode 72: Celebration Time: Celebrate an accomplishment
Episode 73: Clean House: Hold an office clean-up day
Episode 74: Email Policy: Reduce email frustration
Episode 75: Fresh Perspective: Take a break from the routine
Episode 76: Good Practice: Start a tradition
Episode 77: Goodbye Friday: Wish everyone a nice weekend
Episode 78: Green Office: Help the environment
Episode 79: Healthy Start: Energize together
Episode 80: Meetings 101: Learn how to run a meeting
Episode 81: Nice Digs: Improve your work environment
Episode 82: Power On: Energize others
Episode 83: Quiet Hour:  Set aside an hour with no meetings
Episode 84: Quiet Zone: Designate a quiet workplace
Episode 85: Thank First: Begin 20 meetings with gratitude
Episode 86: Vital Statistics: Conduct a survey
Episode 87: Warm Up: Start 3 meetings with a fun activity
Episode 88: Full House: Hold a family event
Episode 89: Head Chef: Cook for your team
Episode 90: Head Coach: Mentor someone
Episode 91: Kid Day: Sponsor a children-at-work day
Episode 92: Lunch Lotto: Organize random lunch dates
Episode 93: Lunch Time: Have 6 lunches
Episode 94: Name Game: Learn 10 names
Episode 95: Photo Wall: Post employee pictures
Episode 96: Pot Luck: Hold a potluck
Episode 97: Rough Times: Help someone having a hard time
Episode 98: Santa Claus: Give gifts to your team
Episode 99: Servant Leader: Serve 5 people
Episode 100: Serve Together: Serve the community
Episode 101: Social Butterflies: Have a team outing
Episode 102: Story Time: Tell 3 stories
Episode 103: True Feeling: Ask 10 people how they feel
Episode 104: Walk Around: Manage by walking around