Two podcast series teach how to:

  1. Provide effective peer support for lifestyle change
  2. Create supportive home environments

Core Course: Employees and other Individual VIPs

HealthyCultureNow training teaches employees and other VIP individuals to:

  1. Provide effective peer support for lifestyle change
  2. Create supportive home environments
  3. Become well-being role models
  4. Help organize well-being activities at work and in the community

$29 per participant.

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The series were written by Judd Allen, Ph.D. and produced by Jake Hargrove. The music was composed and performed by Povel Popov. Episodes are narrated by: 

Richard Safeer, MD, FACLM, FAAFP, FACPM, Chief Medical Director, Employee Health and Well-being at Johns Hopkins Medicine

Ewa Stelmasiak, MS, MSc, Founder, The Wellness Institute

Judd Allen, Ph.D., President, Human Resources Institute, LLC

Glen Caswell

How to Create a Well-being Culture in Your Home

This training is for people who share their homes. It teaches seven skills for creating a supportive cultural environment at home:

  1. Discuss Personal Well-being Goals
  2. Tell a Household Well-being Story
  3. Create a Supportive Physical Environment
  4. Adopt Healthy Norms and Traditions
  5. Create a Well-being Learning Community
  6. Strengthen Household Relationships
  7. Foster a Healthy Social Atmosphere

The training utilizes video presentations (41 minutes total) with audio podcasts (35 minutes total). The training lasts 8 weeks. Participants should budget 45 minutes each week to complete the training.  Each training unit includes a self-assessment that consolidates practical steps associated with key concepts.

This training is based on the following books by Judd Allen, PhD: Bringing Wellness Home, Kitchen Table Talks for Wellness, and A Family Guide to Wellness.

$29.00 USD

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How to Create a Well-being Culture in Your Home

This series is for people who live with others. It teaches seven skills for creating a supportive cultural environment at home:

  1. Discuss Personal Well-being Goals
  2. Tell a Household Well-being Story
  3. Create a Supportive Physical Environment
  4. Adopt Healthy Norms and Traditions
  5. Create a Well-being Learning Community
  6. Strengthen Household Relationships
  7. Foster a Healthy Social Atmosphere

The total length of the series is 37 minutes. 

This series is based on the following books by Judd Allen, Ph.D.: Bringing Wellness Home, Kitchen Table Talks for Wellness, and A Family Guide to Wellness.

Play Episodes

Episode 1: Overview
Episode 2: Household Story
Episode 3: Sharing Goals
Episode 4: Physical Environment
Episode 5: Norms and Traditions
Episode 6: Uplifting Social Environment
Episode 7: Learning Community
Episode 8: Healthy Relationships

How to Help a Coworker, Friend or Family Member Achieve a Well-being Goal

Coworkers, family and friends are in a great position to assist each other with well-being goals. This series focuses on eight skills for effective peer support. Many listeners find it helpful to talk with their peers after each episode. The topics are: 

  1. Building a Foundation of Trust and Openness for Your Support.
  2. Defining Peer Support: What It Is and What It Is Not
  3. Determining Short and Long-term Change Goals
  4. Identifying the Best Role Models
  5. Addressing Barriers to Change
  6. Locating Supportive Environments
  7. Working through Setbacks
  8. Tracking and Celebrating Success

The total length of the series is 25 minutes. 

This series is based on the book Healthy Habits, Helpful Friends by Judd Allen, Ph.D.

Play Episodes

Episode 1: Defining Peer Support
Episode 2: Establishing Trust and Openness
Episode 3: Setting Goals
Episode 4: Identifying Role Models
Episode 5: Eliminating Barriers to Change
Episode 6: Locating Supportive Environments
Episode 7: Working through Setbacks
Episode 8: Celebrating Success